Clinic hours: 7am - 3pm
Clinic office: 912.459.5175
Front office: 912.459.5151
Nurse contact information:
Taryn Parker, RN Caitlyn Matias, RN
RHHS School Clinic
Important Documents
Certain health conditions require specific documents to be on file with the school nurse. These documents need to be filled out by you and your child’s health care provider (HCP.) Once complete, please email/drop off documents to the school clinic. These documents need to be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
Student Medication
Bryan County Schools does not supply over the counter (OTC) medications such as Tylenol and ibuprofen to students, however, these medications can be kept in the clinic for student use during the school day. Medications need to be dropped off to the main office in the original, labeled bottle with a completed Authorization for medication Administration form. As a reminder, students are not permitted to carry OTC with them during the school day.
Rising 11th Graders - Meningococcal Booster Vaccine
Effective July 1, 2021, children 16 years of age and older, who are entering the 11th grade (including new entrants), must have received one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), unless their initial dose was administered on or after their 16th birthday.
For further information please reference the DPH MCV4 fact sheet. This vaccine can be administered by the Bryan County Health Department or HCP office.
Submit updated immunization form 3231 to clinic